swim in bubble

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Bake with mayonnaise

The time at which I was about to bake bread, I noticed no eggs are in my refrigerator.
Thus, I used mayonnaise in place of egg.

Well baked!

Mayonnaise is enough to bake bread

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Challenge to make car-stop pole

This is my buddy.
It has high versatility.

Paint rectangular lumber brown.
(This brown paint is aseptic & corrosion-proof)

Next, fit 2 hooks!

Only screw, the fixing is weak.
So I bonded them to wood.

In the middle of drilling wood, he died in harness.

Then, fit the legs

Fix with screws!

4 legs are needed to stand.

Don't forget fake:)


They are my own car-stop poles!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Maple leaves & flowers in the end of spring

 One day in the end of spring, I found a maple tree which  had beautiful green leaves & pink flowers.

Maple flower season is almost over.

The tree stands in a garden of a little cafe. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Flying in my garden

This black flew bustle about my garden.
The spectacle was so unpleasant..

I was frustrated with them!

This is called love hug.
Have it your own way!!

Anchovy & aubergine pizza

Breakfast on one day.
Anchovy, aubergine & basil pizza

Its outlook was bad but it was so tasty:-)

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Tulip blooming

A tulip I planted spring is blooming!

This is like a red star.

The center of this flower has starlike form, too.

Under the leaves green on rainy day

The green was dazzling under rainy sky.