swim in bubble

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Crystal structure of ice on the meat

Strange ice plate generated.

How is the construction?

The structure imitates the surface of meat, doesn't it?

Wheat bread

For shortening time, I mixed wheat and yeast with 40 deg. of hot water.

In the sequence of kneading the flour.

After 5 min kneading, the size of dough is about soft ball.

After 3 hour (my sleeping),

The dough had grown to be approximately 3 times.

After 2 hours of secondary fermentation (my 2nd sleeping)

Magnificated photograph!

The dough was screwed and tied.

Coating with egg

They were baked for 7 min at 250 deg.

Inner of my baked bread(^^)

Well done!

The outer wasn't brown but tasted so good!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I found these narcissuses bloom by the road.

Their flower were strange...
Why do they get this shape?

Withered Lily

Even though it was spring, a withered lily still stood.

White enkianthsis shrubs

White enkianthsis shrubs in early morning


Muscari in a cloudy morning

Cloud in sunny sprig sky

Village of purple deadnettle Pt.2

Large amount of purple deadnettles forms big a crowd!

So many purple deadnettles have grown in this crowd.

Many of them have red leaves.

And, I found some of them had leaves pointing down.

Village of purple deadnettle

Village of purple deadnettles.

I found many purple deadnettle formed a crowd.

Zoomed up

The compornent of a crowd.

Okapi defecates

Suddenly, this okapi turned his hip us!

Ready, set...

Go! Drop the bomb!!

All audience cheered.

His back was very proud!

Common chickweed

Leaves were focused on.

I forced my iPhone to focused on flowers using AE/AF locking.

Persian speedwell Pt.2

One of flowers to represent the spring of Japan.

Magnified photo with iPhone5.

Cherry blossom in spring

Cherry blossom is popular as a flower of spring in Japan.

Several types of cherries are known.

I'm not sure about this, I think it may be a species of cherries.

Yulan flower

Yulan flowers back to blue sky.

Yulan flower. 
Inside of the flower is so mysterious.

Giant butterbur

It also tell us spring coming!
Butterbur sprout is popular as a taste of spring.

Metasequoia in garage

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Amazing balance!(°_°)!

Amazing balance!!
Especially, 4th & 5th block(・・)!

Mutated dandelion in Japan

A fasciated dandelion.
This is a typical mutant of Asteraceae plants.

It's stem is also fasciated, to be 2-3 times.