swim in bubble

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Frog with a fallen leaf

A tree frog was sitting on my car with a fallen leaf.

Why was it there?
Fallen with the leaf?

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Brown ants ate horned worm

Dyed hornedworm & brown ants eating it.
I didn't know the worm were hunted by them, killed by disease or parasites.

Reasons of  its death weren't important,
Eating for their lives was most important.

My picks appetizer & snacks (own made)

Dish fried in garlic oil (short-neck clam & mushroom).
Looks wasn't good but it tasted so  good!

Next, here are fried tomatoes & peanuts.
They were taken in my garden.

Contrary my expectation, fried tomatoes were so tasty.